CAGR Calculator : Calculate Compound Annual Growth Rate

CAGR Calculator

CAGR Calculator

CAGR = (FV/IV​)1/n​−1


  • FV is the final value or ending value of the investment or business.
  • IV is the initial value or starting value of the investment or business.
  • n is the number of years or periods over which the growth occurred.
  1. Initial Value (IV): The starting value of the investment or business.
  2. Final Value (FV): The ending value or current value of the investment or business.
  3. Number of Years (n): The duration of the investment or business growth period.

How CAGR Calculator works?

  1. Input Data: The user provides three pieces of information:
    • The initial value (IV) of the investment or business, representing its starting value.
    • The final value (FV) or current value of the investment or business, representing its ending value.
    • The number of years (n) over which the growth occurred.
  2. Calculation: The CAGR Calculator applies the following formula to calculate the Compound Annual Growth Rate CAGR = (FV/IV​)1/n​−1. This formula divides the final value (FV) by the initial value (IV) to determine the ratio of growth. It then raises this ratio to the power of 1/n​, where n is the number of years. Finally, it subtracts 1 from the result to obtain the CAGR.
  3. Interpretation: The calculated CAGR value represents the annual rate of return required for the investment or business to grow from its initial value to its final value over the specified period, assuming compounding occurs at a constant rate annually.
  4. Output: The CAGR Calculator displays the calculated CAGR value, typically expressed as a percentage. This value provides insights into the annual growth rate of the investment or business, allowing users to assess its performance over time.

FAQs :

  1. What is a CAGR Calculator?
    • A CAGR Calculator is like a special tool used for finding out how much an investment or business has grown over time.
  2. How does the CAGR Calculator work?
    • The CAGR Calculator looks at how much an investment started with and compares it to how much it’s worth now. Then it figures out the average yearly growth rate based on this information.
  3. Why is the CAGR Calculator useful?
    • The CAGR Calculator helps people see how well their investments or businesses are doing over time. It’s like checking a report card to see how things are going.
  4. Can I use the CAGR Calculator for planning future finances?
    • Yes, you can! The CAGR Calculator can also help you guess how much your investments might grow in the future. It’s like looking into a crystal ball, but with numbers.
  5. Is the CAGR Calculator helpful for comparing different investments?
    • Absolutely! You can use the CAGR Calculator to compare how different investments have done over the same time. It’s like deciding which plant in your garden is growing the fastest.

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